Six jobs in ELT publishing

Feeling tired of teaching? Fancy a change but don’t want to abandon ELT altogether? Many people I know who have felt this way have been drawn to the world of ELT publishing. Publishers are often on the lookout for good teachers for a variety of jobs. Here are six, in order of relative ease of entry/importance. I’ve included a brief suggestion on how to get such a job, and the down side (there is always a down side to every job!)

1 Reader – When a new book is being written, the first draft is often sent out to different readers for feedback. Writing a report involves reading a manuscript closely and answering a series of questions that you are asked about it. One usually has a couple of weeks to do this, and you are paid a small fee and get a mention in the front of the book when (and if) it’s published. OK, so you can’t live off of just being a reader but it gives you an insight, even if only slightly, into the business.

How to get this job: contact a publisher whose work you know (e.g. whose books you have used) and ask if they need any readers. You may not get a response right away. For this job you only need experience as a teacher (the more the better).The down side: there is not a lot of this kind of work around, the fee can be quite small

2 Teacher trainer – Publishers often host training events to publicize their books, and are always on the lookout for teacher trainers. You would be expected to give a workshop or talk on an aspect of methodology, often using a specific book of the publisher’s to illustrate examples of what you are talking about. This is also a fee-based job, but it sometimes involves travelling to different cities (and in some cases, abroad) and they often take quite good care of you. It would be quite hard to do this full-time, but it’s an interesting extra.

How to get this job: contact a publisher who you know does local events and submit a CV. Note: it’s best if you have had some teacher training experience (e.g. giving workshops at your school at the very least). The down side: You may be asked to give a presentation or workshop based around a book that you don’t really like, but this is not that common.

3 Sales representative – This involves working directly for the publisher and travelling around a country or area visiting schools and teachers and well, basically selling books. It’s always preferable if the sales representative is a former teacher, as he/she will understand more what people look for or avoid in books. This is a full-time job.

How to get this job: contact a publisher who you would like to work for and submit a CV, or keep an eye out in the paper for such a job (they are often advertised) You will need to be able to drive most likely for this kind of work, and it helps if you’ve had experience selling in another field (but not essential). You would get trained. The down side: Expect to spend lots of time in a car, travelling around and carrying loads of books to and from places.

4 Editor – Where would books be without editors? There are different kinds of editors, but the first starting point is usually that of copy editor. This involves checking the work before it goes to print, getting a manuscript ready for design (that means formatting it in a certain way). You need patience and a good eye for the work of an editor. There are also content editors (working more on the content and ideas of the material itself) and commissioning editors (see below). This can be a full-time job, although many people freelance.

How to get this job: These positions are advertised in the newspaper, but you could always put feelers out. You should have a keen eye for spotting typos and stuff like that. You would get trained in the specifics. The down side: Can feel endless and tiresome at times, or lonely if you are not working in an office. Deadlines are hell, and they must be met.

5 Commissioning editor – This is the person who commissions authors for a project. They coordinate different aspects of the project and are in touch with everyone involved. They often have to go out into the markets and do research at the beginning of a project. They work quite closely with the authors as well.

How to get this job: This job is usually obtained by working your way up within  a publishing house. You need good organisational skills, and experience already as an editor. It can be very satisfying to see a project through though. The down side: Stress of having to meet deadlines, juggle a million different things and the horrible feeling that if things go wrong then it was on YOUR watch.

6 Publisher The one who calls the shots. The person with the budget and the power to decide ultimately what will be made into a book. The person with the responsibility. This is almost the top of the publishing ladder, after which you get into the senior management positions and CEO’s and stuff. Publishers oversee a whole series of projects and have the different commissioning editors responding to them. An office job.

How to get this job: You have to work your way up for this one, and it usually involves changing publishing houses at least once before you get here. You will need experience in many of the other aspects, at least as commissioning editor in many cases. The down side: the stress is very high, the work hours can be very long and almost all the publishers I know have to travel an awful lot for research purposes. But that’s the price one pays for being at (or very near) the top!

As usual I can only choose six so apologies if you are in publishing and I’ve missed out YOUR job. However, if anyone wishes to elaborate, correct or give more of an insider view on any of these jobs then please do in the comments!

Published in: on March 6, 2010 at 8:05 pm  Comments (10)  
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Six suggestions for teachers on getting through the economic crisis

Breaking the bank from morguefile.comTimes are tough. With all the talk of crisis, recession, depression and so on teachers may find themselves short of regular hours. Salaries may be frozen, or groups at the school where you work may be closed due to lack of students. Here are six suggestions on surviving the crisis with the skills you have already. They aren’t “get rich” schemes I’m afraid, but they may be of some help.  

1. Get some private students. Start putting the word out that you’re looking for private students. Make posters and leave them in sports centres, bakeries, on community notice boards, near schools etc. Make these snappy, not just “Teacher offering English classes”. Think more along these lines: “In these hard times, make yourself more employable – improve your language skills”. If you have existing privates, offer them a discount if they bring a friend or find you another client.

2. Get some premium private students. By this I mean private students with more money. Get yourself some smart-looking business cards and make appointments with businesses in the area. Better yet, make a brochure outlining different courses you could give (e.g. English for receptionists/Executive 1 to 1 classes). Depending on the size of the business you’ll need to contact the human resources person. Be persistent and look the part when approaching these people (i.e. dress smart). The other avenue is to find out where the private schools are and offer to do an extra curricular English course for their students. You may need to get your working papers in order and become properly self-employed. Charge premium prices too – you will be taken more seriously if you do. 

3. Offer your services as a translator. For this you obviously need to know another language, but there is often some extra money to be made doing translations. Warning: this can become mind-numbingly boring work, depending on what you have to translate. A colleague of mine translated a technical manual on refrigerator doors and almost threw himself off a roof in the process.

4. Offer your services as a proof reader. Lots of people need to have their English proofread, and with all your experience correcting students’ writing you are in an excellent position to do this more professionally. Again, make up a card or brochure stating your services and leave it at businesses, local government tourist offices, shops and universities (I once had a profitable little side venture proofreading university students’ abstracts for publication in English journals)

5. Write materials. Get in touch with local offices of ELT publishers and ask to speak to a commissioning editor. It’s easier sometimes to find these people at conferences actually. Tell them you’d be interested in writing materials and offer to do a sample. Be persistent but realistic: few get published and very few get rich off it. But every little bit helps. I’ve written more about how to get into writing here by the way.  

6. Get right out of teaching. The cold, hard truth is teachers don’t make that much money. You already know this. For some, language teaching is a stop on the way to something else. Problem is, that “something else” might be a little less easy to find in these troubled times. However, you’re in touch with a lot of people (your adoring students!) and you’ve got contacts – even more so if you’ve been teaching in businesses. There’s no harm in putting out feelers if you’re getting fed up with teaching. 

Right, these are my six suggestions for extra cash. Does anyone else know of good wheezes for teachers to make an extra buck (or euro or whatever)?

Published in: on January 2, 2009 at 3:28 pm  Comments (4)  
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